Form: Tactical 5.38 3/29/94 Tactical Registration Your Name : Street address : City State Zip : Country : Phone Number : Disk Size : 3 1/2 OR 5 1/4 BBS network addresses (WWIVnet, FIDOnet especially) : Are you a SysOp? If so, please give details: (BBS name, number, network address, software, etc...) How did you get this program? (Please be specific): The bottom line: Registration cost 20.00 (see below) Processing Fee 5.00 (see below) --------- Subtotal (all fees) 25.00 7% Sales Tax for FL . Florida, USA ONLY --------- Total amount due ----------------------------------------- -------- signature (same as on check) (date) Please type in the above information before printing this file. It makes it much easier to read. Thank you, in advance! Paul Broman Please Mail your check or Money Order to: Paul Broman P.O. Box 26190 Jacksonville, FL. 32226-6190